Don’t Be Left Behind How Augmented & Virtual Reality Will Change the Way We Live

Don’t Be Left Behind How Augmented & Virtual Reality Will Change the Way We Live

Don’t Be Left Behind How Augmented & Virtual Reality Will Change the Way We Live

Don’t Be Left Behind How Augmented & Virtual Reality Will Change the Way We Live! There’s no denying that the technology market has seen some major changes in the past few years, with more changes to come in the next few years. A lot of those changes will be thanks to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). But there are still people who think that these technologies won’t have much impact on their lives or businesses, or that they don’t have time to learn about them because they already spend so much time on other tech trends.

10 Things You Need to Know

  1. AR is the projection of digital content onto a real-world environment, such as a mall or football field; VR is the creation of a virtual world with 360 degrees of immersion.
  2. Brands are already starting to use AR and VR to create new ways of connecting with their customers – such as IKEA using augmented reality to let shoppers virtually furnish their homes before they buy.
  3. In 2016, 43% of U.S. teens said that they would rather watch a video on YouTube or Netflix than watch live television – and this number will only continue to grow in 2017 and beyond as more people spend time immersed in AR or VR worlds instead of watching traditional video content on screens like TVs or smartphones.
  4. More brands have been experimenting with AR and VR, including Coca Cola’s tie-in with HBO’s Westworld which saw viewers donned with Google Cardboard headsets experiencing what it was like to walk through one of the show’s scenes.
  5. It can be easy for those not yet familiar with these technologies to feel daunted by what lies ahead for them but it is important not to be left behind in understanding how these technologies work, how they’ll change our lives, and how brands will use them as marketing channels over the coming years.
  6. Imagine being able to go to New York City without leaving your living room.
  7. Or going into outer space without needing to travel anywhere outside your bedroom!
  8. VR offers a completely different way of interacting with the world and this means that we may start seeing some common everyday experiences being replaced by simulated ones where you never have to leave home at all.
  9. Things You Need To Know about AR/VR.
  10. For marketers, it has become increasingly clear that if you want your product or service seen then you need an immersive experience where consumers get an up close and personal look at what you’re offering



Augmented and virtual reality are two of the most exciting technologies in recent memory. Already, AR has a number of practical uses, while VR can transport us to another world. And as time goes on, both will only become more ubiquitous. But if you’re not on board now, it might be too late – because these technologies will change everything we do.

The way we work, the way we communicate with each other, the way we learn – all of it is going to change when augmented and virtual reality are in our lives 24/7.

What is AR & VR?

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are technologies that are paving the way for a more immersive form of computing. With AR, the user is able to see an overlay of computer-generated imagery on top of their view of the real world. In VR, all you can see is computer-generated visuals in a virtual environment.

Why are companies investing in it?

Companies are investing in AR and VR because the technology has the potential to change the way we live. In fact, a recent study by IDC found that nearly 40% of executives polled believe that AR/VR will have more of an impact on our lives than smartphones did. This is because AR and VR provide users with immersive experiences that allow them to interact with their digital environment in ways they couldn’t before. For example, it can be used for education purposes by transporting students to another location or time period. It can also be used for more recreational purposes such as watching a game from any seat in the stadium or practicing for your golf game on any course you want.

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Who are the competitors?

The company with the most popular AR headset is Microsoft. They have been working on this for a while, and in 2016 they finally released their newest version of the HoloLens. It now has better sensors, so it can be used to perform simple tasks like measuring distances or virtual reality (VR) applications. Other competitors are Magic Leap, Meta Company, and Avegant. These companies are still in their infancy stages and they don’t have any products on the market yet. With these new technologies coming out every year, there will be many more competitors down the line.

Where did it come from?

Augmented and virtual reality are all the rage these days, but what does that mean for your business? AR and VR have been around for a while now, but only recently have they exploded in popularity. In this blog post we’ll discuss where augmented and virtual reality came from, how they work, who’s using them now and why you should care.

So, what is augmented reality? Basically it’s projecting content onto a surface (typically a screen), such as adding an overlay to an app or game. If you’ve ever seen Pokemon Go or Snapchat filters then you know what I’m talking about. Virtual reality on the other hand goes one step further by creating a fully immersive experience with no windows into the outside world.

When did we start using it?

The term augmented reality was first used in 1990, and the term virtual reality was first used in 1987. For a while, there were two completely separate worlds of augmented and virtual reality, but now they’re starting to converge. There are a few different ways that AR and VR are being merged together. One is through the use of glasses with both types of technology built into them. Another way is to use an AR device like a phone or tablet that can show virtual objects on top of the real world using its camera and screen.

What’s different this time?

Augmented and virtual reality are set to change the way we live, work and play. And this time it’s not just a fad or a flashy trend- it’s here to stay. VR and AR have been around for decades in various forms, but have never taken off the way they should have. That all changed with the release of Oculus Rift, which got people excited about VR again. Now that VR is back in the spotlight, it won’t be long before AR follows suit.

Should you get involved with it?

For many of us, the virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (reality) have been something we’ve only seen in movies. Now, the future is here. VR is being utilized by a wide range of industries and AR has already had a huge impact on our daily lives. These new technologies are set to change the way we live.

For marketers, these technologies mean that they will be able to create more immersive ads that are much closer to what customers want to experience than just looking at an ad on their phone or computer screen. Imagine walking into a store and having your face digitally mapped onto an avatar as you walk around, interacting with products – all without ever having to touch anything.

Top trends in AR /VR (2018-2022)

As AR and VR technologies improve, so do their applications. Here are the two trends in augmented and virtual reality that will shape how we live by 2022.

  1. Virtually unlimited worlds – If you can create it on a computer, chances are you can create it in VR. This means that we will be able to experience anything from the best seat at a football game to walking the surface of Mars with nothing more than our device and an internet connection.
  2. Mixed Reality (MR) – MR is an evolution of AR that merges real and virtual elements together to create new realities. Microsoft’s HoloLens is an example of MR technology; this company has already partnered with NASA, Volvo, and Audi for upcoming implementations of this technology.


AR and VR will give us a new way to interact with the world. They’ll make our lives better, more intuitive, and more immersive. Technology is always evolving, but with AR and VR on the horizon, we’re about to experience a major shift in how we live. Prepare for an exciting time!

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